Apps and Platforms

The best EAD platforms for companies

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With technological advancement and the need for professionals to constantly update themselves, distance learning platforms have become an increasingly viable and economical alternative for carrying out courses and training.

However, choosing the best among so many distance learning platforms can be a challenge, as there are several options on the market. In this article, we will present the best EAD platforms for companies, in MktConteudo's opinion. Check out!


Twygo is one of the best-known EAD platforms and offers resources for companies that want to create online courses quickly and intuitively. It allows the creation of courses in different formats, such as video classes, texts, quizzes and practical activities. The platform also offers gamification features, such as badges and rankings, to encourage students to complete courses. Twygo offers support for integration with different payment methods and allows customization of sales pages. The platform is paid and offers subscription plans for companies of different sizes.


Moodle is one of the best known and most used in the world. It is free and open source, which allows companies to customize and adapt it to their needs. Additionally, it offers a wide variety of resources such as forums, chats, quizzes, polls and other interactive features that facilitate learning.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is one of the free and simple-to-use EAD platforms, which integrates Google tools, such as Google Drive and Google Calendar. With it, teachers can create classes, share files and activities, as well as hold video conferences with their students. This platform is highly recommended for small businesses or schools that need a quick and efficient solution.


Edmodo is a free solution that resembles a social network, where teachers and students can interact in a simple and intuitive environment. It offers features such as polls, quizzes and chat, as well as allowing teachers to assign assignments and homework. The platform also has a mobile application, which allows students to access content from anywhere.


Hotmart is a paid EAD platform, but it offers advanced and personalized features for companies looking for a complete training and development solution. With it, it is possible to create online courses with video classes, texts and exercises, in addition to providing exclusive content for each student, according to their performance. The platform also offers gamification features, such as badges and rankings, to encourage students to complete courses.


Eduzz offers resources for companies that want to create online courses in a simple and efficient way. It allows the creation of courses in different formats, such as video classes, ebooks, podcasts and quizzes. The platform also offers a variety of customization tools, such as ready-made sales page templates and templates, as well as support for integration with different payment methods. Eduzz offers subscription plans for companies of different sizes and allows the sale of courses both on and off the platform.

Udemy Business

Udemy Business offers a wide variety of online courses for companies, in different areas of knowledge. The platform is paid and allows companies to create their own courses, with resources such as videos, audios and tests. In addition, Udemy Business has an advanced reporting system, which allows companies to monitor the performance of their employees in courses.


Sambatech offers advanced resources for companies looking for a complete training and development solution. With it, it is possible to create online courses with video classes, texts and exercises, in addition to providing exclusive content for each student, according to their performance. The platform also offers gamification features, such as badges and rankings, to encourage students to complete courses. Sambatech is a paid platform and offers support for companies that want to create personalized distance learning courses.


Choosing the best among EAD platforms for companies is now less complicated, as the options presented in this article can help you make this decision more consciously.

It is important to take into account the company's needs, the number of employees and the available budget before choosing the most appropriate platform. Regardless of the choice, investing in training is essential for the success of companies today.

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