Apps and Platforms

How to set up a website using WordPress

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Setting up a website is a task that can seem daunting to those who have never had experience with programming or web development. However, with WordPress, this task can become much simpler and more accessible.

O WordPress is a content management platform that allows you to create websites quickly and intuitively, without the need for advanced programming knowledge.

In this article, we will explain how to set up a website using WordPress. By following these tips, you will be able to create your own website in a short time and at a low cost.

1. Choose a domain and hosting

Before you start setting up your website, you need to choose a domain and hosting. The domain is the address of your website on the internet (such as www.yoursite.com.br) and hosting is the service that allows you to store your website on the internet.

There are several companies that offer domain registration and hosting services, such as HostGator, Hostinger, GoDaddy and Bluehost. Therefore, it is important to choose a trustworthy company that offers good technical support.

The domain can be registered in the hosting control panels themselves, but the best way to register your domain is using the registration.br, an entity that manages Brazilian domains. Therefore, hire your domain on Registro.br and see with your hosting how to configure the domain within it.

2. Install WordPress

After choosing the domain and hosting, it's time to install WordPress. Many hosting companies offer the option of automatic installation, which makes the process even simpler.

If your hosting does not offer this option, you can install it manually. Just download WordPress from the official website (https://br.wordpress.org/) and follow the installation instructions.

3. Choose a theme

The platform offers several free and paid themes (templates) to customize your website. It is important to choose a topic that be responsive (i.e., adapt to different screen sizes) and have a design that is in line with your market niche.

To choose a theme, access the platform administration panel and click on “Appearance” > “Themes”. In this section, you can search for free themes or pay for a premium theme.

It is important to note that even free themes have updates. However, the main difference is that paid themes offer more functionality, in addition to the possibility of opening support tickets with the theme developers.

4. Install plugins

Plugins are additional resources that allow you to customize your website and add new features. The application offers a wide variety of free and paid plugins, just like themes.

Among the most popular plugins are Yoast SEO (for SEO optimization), Jetpack (for security and backups), Contact Form 7 (for creating contact forms) and WPForms (for creating custom forms).

It is important not to overload your website with excessive plugins, as this can make it slower and vulnerable to attacks.

Other important plugins are security plugins. Therefore, have installed applications that protect your system and your website from invaders and viruses. The best known are Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, Sucuri Security and Wordfence Security.

5. It is important to set up a website that optimizes for search engines

Website optimization for Google is an important strategy for increasing your website's visibility in search results.

With some simple techniques, it is possible to set up your WordPress website and optimize it for Google results pages. Check out:

Use keywords strategically

Keywords are terms that people use to search on Google. By including these keywords on your website, you increase your chances of appearing in related search results. Use keywords strategically in titles, texts and tags.

Improve website speed

Site speed is an important factor for user experience and ranking in search results. Use caching plugins, reduce image sizes and choose quality hosting to improve your site's speed.

Use meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are short descriptions that appear in Google search results. Use keywords and create attractive, clear descriptions to encourage users to click through to your website.

Create quality content

Content is the heart of your website and is an important factor in ranking in search results. Create relevant, up-to-date, quality content to keep users engaged and attract new visitors.

Optimize and customize images

Images are important for making your website visually appealing, but they can also affect site speed. Use optimized and appropriately sized images to improve site speed and ensure a better user experience. Additionally, you can use the alt attribute feature to identify the image by Google.

In short…

With these tips, you can set up a website using WordPress quickly and easily. Remember to choose a reliable domain and hosting, choose a responsive theme, customize your website with useful plugins and optimize for search engines. This way, with a little creativity and dedication, you can create a website that meets your needs and goals.

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