Apps and Platforms

How to use Hotjar on WordPress

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In this article, we will show you how to use Hotjar in WordPress and take advantage of all the tool's features.

Hotjar is a powerful user behavior analysis tool that allows you to understand how visitors interact with your website. With it, it is possible to identify points of improvement in the user experience and, consequently, improve the conversion of visitors into customers.

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What is Hotjar and how does it work?

Hotjar is a tool that combines data analysis capabilities with user feedback tools, allowing you to understand how people interact with your website. It works by installing a small piece of code on your website, which collects information about user behavior, including mouse movement, clicks, time spent on each page, among others.

With this information, the tool generates detailed reports about the user experience, such as heatmaps, screen recordings, and conversion funnels. These reports help you identify areas for improvement on your website, allowing you to make adjustments to improve the user experience and increase conversion.

How to install Hotjar on WordPress?

To install Hotjar on WordPress, you must first create an account on the software website. After that, just follow the following steps:

  • Log in to your account created on the tool's website and access the “Configure Tracking” section.
  • Copy the code provided by Hotjar.
  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Editor” and open the “header.php” file.
  • Paste the code before the tag .
  • Save changes and update your site.

Ready! Hotjar is already installed on your website and will start collecting information about user behavior. It is important to remember that it may take a few hours for the data to start appearing on the platform.

How to use Hotjar to improve user experience?

Now that the tool is installed on your website, it's time to take advantage of its features to improve the user experience. Here are some ways you can use Hotjar to gain valuable insights:

Heatmaps: Heatmaps are a great way to understand how users are interacting with your website. They show the areas of your website that receive the most attention from users, allowing you to identify areas for improvement.

Screen Recordings: Screen recordings allow you to watch individual user sessions, allowing you to see exactly how they are interacting with your website. This can help identify usability issues and friction points that are preventing conversion.

Conversion Funnels: Conversion funnels show the path users take on your website to reach a specific goal, like completing a purchase. This allows you to identify friction points in the conversion process and make adjustments to improve the conversion rate.

Feedback surveys: The software also offers the ability to create user feedback surveys to understand what people think about your website. These surveys can be displayed at strategic times, like before a user leaves your site or after a purchase, to gain valuable feedback about the user experience.

In addition to these features, the platform also offers other tools such as feedback forms, form analytics, and more. The important thing is to explore all of the tool's features and find ways to use them to improve the user experience on your website.


Hotjar is an extremely useful tool for understanding how users interact with your website and identifying areas for improvement in the user experience. When using Hotjar on WordPress, you can take advantage of all the tool's features and improve the conversion of visitors into customers.

Installation is simple and can be done in a few minutes, and the reports generated by the tool offer valuable insights into user behavior. Take advantage of all of Hotjar's features to improve user experience and increase your website's conversion.

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