
Mental triggers: what they are and how to use them in your campaigns

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Mental triggers are stimuli that directly influence our decision-making. They are capable of activating our unconscious and making us make decisions without thinking too much about it. In marketing, they are a powerful weapon of persuasion and generating results.

In this article, you will learn what mental triggers are, how to use them in your marketing and sales campaigns, and what the main types of triggers are. Furthermore, we will show how to apply them, in order to provide insights valuable tools to improve your campaigns.

Introduction to mental triggers

Mental triggers are communication strategies that exploit human emotions and behaviors to influence decisions. They are capable of activating our unconscious and making us make specific decisions.

They are used in a wide variety of contexts, including marketing and sales, in copywriting, becoming a powerful strategy to persuade and win over the audience.

Mental triggers explore psychological principles, such as the fear of losing, the desire to belong and the search for recognition, to influence decisions.

Understanding the context and target audience is essential for choosing the most effective mental triggers in different situations.

Main types of mental triggers

There are different types of mental triggers, but some are more common and effective than others. Next, we will present the main types of mental triggers and how to use them in your marketing and sales campaigns.

Scarcity: How the feeling of scarcity can influence decisions

The feeling of scarcity can directly influence our decisions. When we believe that something is rare or difficult to obtain, we tend to value it more and make decisions more quickly.

Therefore, strategies such as limited editions and limited-time promotions effectively exploit this trigger.

Urgency: Creating a sense of urgency to stimulate immediate action

Creating a sense of urgency is a technique widely used in marketing and sales. When we believe that something is urgent or that we have little time to decide, we tend to make decisions more quickly.

Therefore, highlighting the temporal limitation of an offer or the limited availability of a product encourages consumers to act, taking advantage of the opportunity before it disappears.

Authority: How using authority can build trust and persuade

The use of authority can build trust and persuade people to make certain decisions. When we believe that someone is an authority on a certain subject, we tend to trust their opinions and suggestions more.

Therefore, establishing authority in a particular niche market builds trust. Expert testimonials, certifications and strategic partnerships are effective ways to convey authority, positively influencing purchasing decisions.

Reciprocity: The idea of giving something to get something in return

The idea of giving something to receive something in return is one of the main types of mental triggers. When we receive something from someone, we tend to feel obligated to return the favor.

Therefore, offering something of value before requesting an action creates an emotional bond, increasing the chances of consumers responding positively.

Mental triggers used in practice

Some top brands successfully use mental triggers in their marketing and sales campaigns. Amazon uses the mental scarcity trigger in its sales campaigns, showing how many items are left in stock. On the other hand, Apple uses the mental trigger of authority in its marketing campaigns, showing that its products are used by influential and famous people. And finally, Coca-Cola uses the mental trigger of reciprocity in its marketing campaigns, offering gifts and promotions to its consumers.

In campaigns e-mail marketing, can be used in persuasive headlines, intriguing subject lines, and exclusive offers.

Additionally, ads that communicate scarcity, customer testimonials, and authoritative messages are effective in engaging target audiences online.

Triggers are also essential on optimized landing pages, highlighting exclusive benefits and authentic testimonials, making them crucial for converting visitors into customers.

Constant experimentation is crucial to identifying which triggers resonate best with your specific audience. So test different mental triggers for your target audience.

Use specific analytical tools and metrics to evaluate the impact of triggers on your campaigns.

Common mistakes when using mental triggers

The implementation of mental triggers requires care and strategy, as some common mistakes can compromise the effectiveness of the approach and harm the relationship with the audience. Check out the most common ones:

Excessive Manipulation

Using mental triggers in a manipulative way, pressuring consumers to make decisions against their will, is a mistake that can harm consumer trust. The line between ethical persuasion and manipulation is fine.

Therefore, prioritize transparency and ethics, ensuring that mental triggers are used to provide relevant information, not to induce harmful actions.

Lack of Authenticity

Mental triggers work best when aligned with brand values, ensuring authenticity and building lasting relationships. Therefore, choose triggers that resonate with the company's authenticity, promoting a genuine connection with the audience.

Unrealizable Promises

Do not create expectations that the brand cannot fulfill, this creates distrust and dissatisfaction. So, make sure that the promises made through mental triggers are realistic and sustainable.

Skip audience targeting

Applying generic triggers without considering the specific characteristics and needs of the target audience is a very common mistake. Therefore, try to personalize mental trigger strategies according to the audience’s preferences and behaviors.


Another common mistake is to overload campaigns with multiple mental triggers simultaneously, creating a confusing message. Carefully select the most relevant mental triggers for each campaign, maintaining simplicity and clarity.

Lack of testing and monitoring feedback

Carry out tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the triggers used, implementing A/B tests and data analysis to understand which triggers are most impactful for the audience. Otherwise, you will waste time and investment in your marketing campaigns.

Additionally, pay attention to comments and ratings, adjusting strategies based on audience perceptions. Ignore the feedback of consumers in relation to the mental triggers used is another mistake that will be costly.

Disregard the customer journey

Nothing worse than applying mental triggers out of context, without considering the specific phase of the customer journey. This makes the message useless. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt them according to the stage the customer is in, providing a more relevant experience.

Lack of renewal

Remaining static, using the same mental triggers repeatedly saturates the audience. It is necessary to constantly innovate, introducing new triggers to maintain interest and relevance.

Not prioritizing in the long term

It is very common for some companies to focus only on immediate results, without considering the long-term impact on customer relationships. It is important to incorporate triggers that strengthen customer loyalty and build a lasting relationship.

By avoiding these common mistakes, companies can maximize usage potential, establishing a more meaningful connection with their audience and boosting the success of their digital marketing strategies.

In short…

Mental triggers are a powerful tool in the digital marketing arsenal. By understanding the different types, applying them strategically, and learning from practical examples, you can transform your campaigns and boost conversion.

Always remember the importance of ethics and authenticity to build solid relationships with your audience. And use mental triggers, always thinking about the benefits that your product/service brings to your audience. This way, you will be successful in your campaigns.

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